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In September 2019 we opened our doors to provide care. We hosted a very successful open day where children and young people, along with their families got to see The Nook for the first time.

Bereavement Support

We offer a number of bereavement support groups, which give bereaved parents, grandparents, carers and siblings the opportunity to meet other families, share stories, access resources and create keepsakes.

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Spiritual Care

Our spirit is an innate part of all of us as human beings. When families arrive through the door of the hospice, their world has been rocked and this includes their spiritual world. They have often been given the most devastating news, that their child isn’t the healthy child that they hoped for. Spiritual care is not all about religion – we focus on building relationships, helping families search for a sense of hope or meaning and giving them chance to find words when often they don’t have any.

Counselling and therapeutic support

We can offer one-to-one, family and group sessions to help you through difficult times at any stage of your child’s or young person’s illness and into bereavement. Our practitioners are experienced in a number of approaches and we will work with you to identify the best fit.

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Other kinds of support

Physio and occupational therapy


Symptom Management

Specialist play

Art therapy

Music therapy

Care at end of life

Sensory Rooms

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