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The Treehouse - Suffolk

The Treehouse has five bedrooms for children and young people and accommodation for families to use for overnight stays. There is a multi-sensory studio, hydrotherapy pool, music room, play areas, sensory garden, a woodland walk and specialist outdoor play equipment.

The Treehouse

The difference The Treehouse makes

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“Erin is able to do things at EACH we can’t do at home; she socialises with the staff, bakes cakes, does craft activities and generally has a great time. The hospice is spacious and the garden is lovely. Being in the EACH garden has been the first time she’s been able to go on a swing – normal swings aren’t suitable for her but The Treehouse has one we can put her wheelchair on. She loves it! It’s something so simple, but it brings her so much joy and is something that most families could easily take for granted."

Helen, Erin's mum

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“I really like the siblings days when we make things to take home. They always have really fun activities. I remember the Easter day when we made lambs from marshmallows, which was really fun. I like to be with my friends who have brothers and sisters like mine. No-one else at school has, so it’s good to have friends who understand what it’s like sometimes. It’s nice to have a special day just for the brothers and sisters, and I feel proud to be a carer for my sister.”

Otto, Xanthe's brother

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“The sensory therapies EACH provides are really important for Euan. He enjoys the music therapy group band practice and hydrotherapy sessions. He also loves going to The Treehouse for ‘sleepovers’. We attend many of the family events EACH runs, including gig nights, Treefest and the Santa’s grotto. I also enjoy a creative art group. It’s good to get to meet other parents, too. When we visit The Treehouse it feels like we’re just a normal family like everyone else.”

Sam, Euan's mum

Take a look inside the hospice with this guided tour

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In conversation with the Head of Performance and Delivery The Treehouse's Service Manager

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