Ella's story

I wish you knew how much I love going to The Treehouse. My name is Ella, I’m eight years old and I have a very rare genetic condition, which means I have regular seizures. I also have a heart defect and my right leg doesn’t work properly, so I wear a splint. I’ve been going to the hospice since I was six months old.
People think it’s a scary place but it’s not. I always enjoy going there, look forward to it and have lots of fun. I love arts and crafts, painting and drawing. I also like spending time in the music room, baking cakes and hydrotherapy. I’ll do pretty much anything, although I’m scared of heights so don’t do the Clip ‘n Climb nights.
I have overnight stays and never mind being left when my mum has to go. I feel safe because it’s like a home to me and somewhere I can be myself. The staff are kind and it’s a great place to meet other children and make new friends, although one of them died last year. That made me very sad and I cried a lot, although everyone looked after me. They listened to me and said they understood how I felt.

I’ve had lots of great times at The Treehouse. I love Treefest (EACH’s annual summer music festival), Christmas parties, open garden afternoons and the band practice music therapy nights, although sometimes I have to miss those because I have Brownies. Thanks to EACH and the Magic Moments charity, we also got to go to Disneyland Paris in 2022. It was amazing and I loved it.
Ella Hawley, eight years old
 I wish you knew how much EACH means to Ella. The Treehouse is a warm, safe place where she can share her worries. It’s one of the few places where people understand her and accept her for who she is.
In a world where acceptance isn’t what it should be, EACH provides a safe, welcoming, accommodating, fun and homely environment, without judgement. It’s a place for Ella just to be Ella.
Steph Hawley, Ella’s mum