Donating items to our shops
We rely on your donations to stock our charity shops, allowing us to raise money to support our services.
Around 28% of our income comes from retail and trading. When you donate to our shops, you help us continue offering vital care to families going through the toughest times of their lives.
Gift Aid - make your donations go further
We can claim Gift Aid from selling your donations - for every £1 sold we can claim 25p back. In 2021-22 we hope to raise enough money to pay for 12 full time nurses.
What to donate to EACH?
We gratefully accept:
- Good quality women's, men's and children's clothing & toys
- Good quality shoes, accessories, handbags and jewellery
- Good quality homeware and small electrical items
- Good quality books and media
What we can't take:
Some items actually cost us money to dispose of, and for this reason we are not able to accept the following items:
- Large TVs
- Pianos
- Old CRT computer monitors
- Mattresses, including cot mattresses
- Duvets and pillows
- Fridges or Freezers
- Old/ripped armchairs and sofas (we can only accept these if they are in good condition and comply with current fire safety regulations)
- Car safety seats, crash helmets, bicycle helmets and riding helmet
Corporate donations
Since we depend entirely on donations of stock to sell in our shops and online store, we're always looking to develop new partnerships with retailers and wholesalers to help supplement the generous donations we receive from our customers.
Why donate to us?
- Corporate tax relief: Deduct the value of your donations from your taxable profit.
- CSR reporting: We send you an annual report on the money raised through your donations and the impact you made.
- Improve your sustainability: Re-using is even better than recycling.
- PR opportunities: Share the impact with your stakeholders including potential customers.
- Free stock clearance: Don’t spend money on retaining unwanted items, we'll collect it for free.
- Engage your staff: A sustainable agenda has never been so relevant. Demonstrate to your workforce the steps you are taking.
- Invest in your community: Create a vibrant high street by supporting local charity shops - a true British institution!