Family information leaflets
Below are some information leaflets we have prepared for families that cover a variety of aspects of our service from short break care, end of life care and wellbeing support, to details on how we store your information and what to do if you’d like to make a complaint.
If you would like a printed version of any of these leaflets sent to you, please contact your local hospice:
Milton - 01223 815100
The Nook - 01603 967596
The Treehouse - 01473 271334
Hear from Mila Sousa, Family Comms Coordinator, as she explains more about the service.
We have translated a select few of our leaflets into Arabic, Farsi, Lithuanian, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Urdu.
Supporting families
Short break care
Wellbeing support
Stay at EACH
End of life care and support
Compliments, concerns and complaints
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
What happens to your information
Additional communications for families
Physio tips for back pain
A guide on transitioning into adulthood
A guide on areas of the law
Symptom Management Nursing Service
Our service and team
Advance care planning
End of life care
How to make a referral
Referrals can be made for our services by anyone - family or care professionals.