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Take part in the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun scheme

Last week saw the launch of the Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF), also known as Big Norfolk Holiday Fun, for the summer.

The scheme is being delivered in partnership with Active Norfolk and supports children aged five to 16 throughout the school holidays from 25th July to 2nd September.

There are a mix of paid for and free spaces. The free spaces are for children who are eligible for means-tested free school meals. All children will get a free, healthy lunch on the day though.

There’s a great range of activities on offer and you can find out more about what’s happening near you and book at:

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun – Norfolk County Council

All children are welcome to take part but this may be particularly suitable for siblings of lead children.

Active Norfolk created a video to give you a glimpse into the programme which you can see here: What is Big Norfolk Holiday Fun? – YouTube

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