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Kath would recommend volunteering to anyone with ambitions of working in the retail industry

Kath Emmett is living proof that shop volunteering can provide a stepping stone into paid employment.

The 61-year-old gave up her time to start helping at the East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) shop in Saxmundham last May.

She took to it like a duck to water and was duly offered the role of relief manager, starting in November.

Kath describes it as “challenging but enjoyable” and says she would recommend volunteering to others – especially those with ambitions to work in the retail industry.

She was speaking during EACH’s We Need You campaign, which started last week and runs until tomorrow. The aim is to encourage others to step forward and give up their time by volunteering in one of the charity’s 44 shops across East Anglia.

Kath, who lives in Saxmundham and has 12 grandchildren, said: “I started volunteering for EACH after losing my husband the previous October.

“I’d been his carer for many years and knew I had to do something to get myself back out there, so to speak.

“It’s something I wanted to do, too, because I’ve never been one to sit around. I was ready to get back in the swing of things.

“Having been shielding with my husband for so long, I was a bit nervous to start with but being in the shop undoubtedly helped.

“It gave me a bit of confidence back so there were lots of reasons why it helped and why I’d recommend it to others.”

Kath had worked in the retail sector for many years and, by last autumn, felt in a position to start seeking full-time employment.

By chance, the role of relief manager became available and she got the job.

“It’s been great,” she said.

“Although I’d done something similar in the past, I’ve had lots to learn.

“It’s been challenging but very enjoyable and it’s done me the world of good.

“It’s also great being part of something as special as EACH.

“Myself and my husband have always tried to support charities by getting involved with fundraisers so to now work for one – particularly one that supports children – is very special.”

For more information about volunteering, head to or email


Notes to Editors

“EACH has made us all feel part of an extended family and, thanks to staff and fellow families, we’re not alone with problems. We always leave The Treehouse feeling positive, stronger and thankful.”

  • We care for children and young people with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk, and support their families.
  • We offer families flexibility and control over where they receive their care and support, including where their child dies – at home, in hospital or at one of three hospices at Milton (Cambridge), The Nook (Norfolk) and The Treehouse (Ipswich).
  • Our family-centred approach includes specialist nursing care, symptom management support, short breaks, wellbeing activities, therapies and counselling, all meeting the individual needs of the child, young person and whole family.
  • We are recognised as leaders in our field, with a reputation for excellence and commitment to pioneering development and innovation.
  • We rely on voluntary donations for the majority of our income and this year need to raise £5.5 million from fundraising and £5.4 million in income from our shops. The year before the pandemic we received just 16% of our total income from statutory sources.
  • EACH Royal Patron – Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.
  • For more information about EACH, including forthcoming events and how you can help raise funds, visit or call our Suffolk fundraisers on 01473 917965.

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For further information about this release please contact:

Matt Plummer | Media and PR Manager | 07738 328058 |

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