Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) at Milton on Thursday, 23rd June 2022.
The Duchess is Royal Patron of the charity, and this year marks the ten-year anniversary of her patronage. This was The Duchess’s first public visit to the hospice in Milton and it was the first time The Duke had accompanied her to see the work of EACH.
The Duke and Duchess toured the hospice, which was opened by Diana Princess of Wales on 1st August 1989, and met with children, young people and families who use services through EACH. They were invited to take part in art activities with families, in addition to touring the hospice grounds and meeting long-term staff members and volunteers.
EACH Chief Executive Phil Gormley said: “We very much enjoyed welcoming Their Royal Highnesses to Milton. It was The Duchess’s first public visit to Milton and the very first time we had the pleasure of welcoming The Duke to one of our hospices so it was a very special, memorable and momentous day for everyone connected with EACH.
“The Duchess met our fantastic staff and volunteers at Milton, who work tirelessly with children and their families needing our services. They had the chance to explain the difficulties they have faced in recent years, particularly in light of the pandemic and the isolation they have felt through shielding.
“The visit was the perfect opportunity to celebrate ten years since Her Royal Highness became our Royal Patron. Throughout the decade, The Duchess has been immensely supportive by championing our cause. Her continued support comes with warmth, empathy and understanding, including beyond public view, and her Patronage is enjoyed and appreciated by everyone at EACH.
“We are extremely thankful and consider ourselves honoured and very lucky to benefit from her hard work, generosity and support.”
Since becoming Royal Patron in 2012, The Duchess of Cambridge has played a vital role in raising awareness and understanding of children’s hospice services across East Anglia and the rest of the UK. From hospice and shop openings to meeting children and families, The Duchess’s profile has projected EACH and the importance of children’s hospice services onto a national and international stage.
The visit took place during Children’s Hospice Week, a national week to raise awareness of the vital work of children’s hospices across the country. This year’s Children’s Hospice Week started on Monday and finishes on Sunday (20th to 26th June).
The theme for the week is #ForTheChildren- showing how important each individual child is to the expert care children’s hospices provide.
EACH currently provides care and support for more than 580 children, young people and family members across the region, with 211 currently using services through Milton.
To find out more about EACH visit