A pub landlord has hailed villagers’ community spirit after they got behind a popular charity auction.
The event was organised by publicans Martin and Louise Griffiths, from The King’s Head, in North Lopham, and raised just over £2,000.
That amount has been split between East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) and the East Anglian Air Ambulance.
Customers had the chance to either bid or take advantage of an ‘auction of promises’, including builders and tradesmen donating their time free of charge.
The pub’s suppliers also showed their support by contributing a pamper hamper, a barrel of beer, tickets for Norwich City and Ipswich Town matches and a tour of Woodford Brewery.
“We auctioned the promises and items and were delighted to raise as much as we did,” said Martin.
“Although it’s a long-standing tradition in the village, it was the first time we’d been involved after only taking on the pub last year.
“We didn’t know what to expect, but everyone gave generously and supported the idea. It was a great success and definitely something we’ll do again next year.”
Martin said he and his wife were delighted to support two worthy causes.
On the donation to EACH, he said: “It’s an incredible local charity and one we know lots about, as one of our regulars works in the Attleborough shop.
“The staff there also came and joined us for their Christmas lunch, so we feel a connection and were very pleased to show our support.”
EACH community fundraiser Ellie Miller (left) is pictured with a representative from the East Anglian Air Ambulance (right), receiving their cheques from Louise.