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Make-A-Wish UK opens up for public referrals

The charity Make-A-Wish UK has temporarily opened to public referrals!

Children eligible for a wish normally need to be referred to the charity by a health, social care or educational professional but until Tuesday 14th June anyone who knows a critically ill child can recommend them for a ‘life-changing’ wish experience.

Wishes are often around four key themes:

I wish to meet… To meet someone special or important like a hero, celebrity or influencer.

I wish to be… To be someone or something – such as a superhero, princess or a character.

I wish to go… To go somewhere and spend time doing something special.

I wish to have… To own something special or a particular thing, like a toy.

Dr Larissa Kerecuk of Birmingham Children’s Hospital stated that wishes are important ‘now more than ever’ for children whose mental health has been impacted by the pandemic so if you would like to nominate your child for a wish, just head to their website and fill in the online form.

Wish application form | Make A Wish (

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