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Chris and Carole's story

“We have left a gift in our Will in memory of our beloved daughter, Karen. Karen was born January 1974 and died in Ipswich Hospital in October 1975 aged just 21 months. She had Microcephalous.

“She spent most of her life in and out of hospital as there were no children’s hospices back then. As a consequence we have supported EACH, as it is now known, for more than 30 years. Although we are lucky enough to have two healthy sons, who have given us 5 wonderful grandchildren, Karen will always be part of our family.

“We visited The Treehouse in Ipswich shortly after it opened and were able to see for ourselves how magnificent the hospice was. When we updated our Wills a few years ago, we chose to leave what would have been Karen’s share of our estate to the three hospices.

“Leaving a gift to EACH in our Wills means a lot to us and our family, as it enables Karen’s memory to live on. If we can also help other children and young people with life-threatening conditions and their families with the support they need, that’s a wonderful legacy to leave."

If we can also help other children and young people with life-threatened conditions and their families with the support they need, that’s a wonderful legacy to leave.

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