A kind-hearted schoolboy with a passion for helping others parted with his “luscious locks” to raise money for charity. Thomas Peddel, 11, had his head shaved to show support for EACH – in the process raising a fantastic £553.
Thomas’ curly hair was cut by class-mates during his summer fete at Acton Primary School, near Sudbury. He picked EACH after discovering more about the charity’s work from cousin Anna Bruce, who is a Community Fundraising Assistant at The Treehouse, in Ipswich.
Proud mum Steph said: “It was an incredible thing to do and all Thomas’ idea. He’s very proud of his curly hair – his luscious locks as I call them – so it was a big thing to do. He wanted to do something because we’ve lost several members of our family in the last 18 months. I have a chronic illness myself which he supports me with on my bad days. Thomas wanted to show his support for a worthy cause and decided upon EACH after chatting to Anna. The fact it’s a children’s charity made him even more determined and he’s a very kind, caring and compassionate young man.
“He’s still getting used to his new look and I know he misses his hair, which was a big part of him. He says it feels weird but he’s certainly pleased he did it and has been taken aback by everyone’s reaction and the amount raised. As a family, we’re all extremely proud.”
The head shave took place on Friday, 7th July.
Thomas is in Year Six at Acton Primary School and starts at Ormiston Sudbury Academy in September.
He said: “I’m proud of achieving my fundraising goal and doubling it! I did this because I have lost a lot of people in my life to cancer and I wanted to help families through EACH.”
Thomas lives in Acton with mum Steph, dad David and 14-year-old sister Violet.